Course curriculum

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    Focus & Flow Classes

    • Dig Deep to Cultivate Beyond the Surface

    • How the Mind Takes A Seat

    • Rest as The Seer, Not the Reflection

    • The Personality Cannot Do the Work of the Soul

    • Yoga is Direct Participation with Life, AS life

    • Cultivate the Conditions for Hope

    • What you focus on, You become

    • More Than a Gesture

    • The 5 Obstacles (Or, Awaken and Liberate)

    • We Meet Things as WE are

    • The Quality of Our Attention

    • The Thing is NOT the thing...the mind is

    • Hope is Resilience

    • Create the Conditions for Yoga to Arise

    • The Point of View and the Point of You (a teaching on perspective)

    • NOW (and HERE) is Yoga

    • Become what you are practicing

    • Integration: Holding it All

    • Winter Solstice

    • What Matters Most?

    • Motive, Worldview, Practice

    • The Linking Mechanism

    • Light the Fire, Study Yourself, Offer it Up

    • May it be so (ones own commitment)

    • Offer it Up

    • Transformation vs Change

    • Leaning into DIS-function to learn FUNCTION

    • Being in the both/and of Life

    • The Intelligence is Present: Students of Life

    • Pavan Guru: Breath and Balance (equinox)

    • Shape Shifting to Shift Breath and Mind

    • Rest in the Heart

    • Every Little Thing We Do Is Magic

    • Explore the Architecture to Know the Space

    • Make the Connections

    • Gratitude and Gate Gate (Go, Go, Beyond)

    • So Ham, Ham Sa

    • architecture and the space within